The initiative emerged in 2004 from a diverse group of people from all over Spain who, through the Internet, after sharing experiences and concerns, decided to use this method to defend the passive smoker. In this long trajectory has been in contact with politicians and institutions with the objective of moving forward in tobacco control policies especially during the processing passing of the tobacco bills in 2006 and 2010, has also been part of the Tobacco Observatory of the Ministry of Health, has had a continuous presence in the media disclosing the damage caused by passive smoking, has organized flash mobs and collected awards and mentions (Parla City Hall in 2006), SEMG in 2010, Queen Sofia of Drug addictions together with XQNS in 2012). Since June 2018 is a member of ENSP.

Nearly 3.000 passive smokers die in Spain annually according to the latest study published in 2011 conducted by researchers from the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) and the network of research centers in epidemiology and public Health (CIBERESP). Tobacco smoke is considered by WHO as a carcinogen. The Law on sanitary measures against smoking of 2006 and its subsequent modification in 2010 offered, at last, to those who do not smoke a solid legal framework to defend our rights. However, there is still much to be done and in we believe that the time has come to take a step further and get a legislative change that puts Spain back in the lead in the fight against smoking and passive smoking. is a non profit making association with no political, commercial or religious connections whatever whose prime objective is to defend in the whole of Spain the right to live without being involuntarily obliged to breathe tobacco smoke

If you share the ideals of, we hope that our commitment, dedication, earnestness, enthusiasm, transparency and tolerance will encourage you to join us. Become a friend partner will only take you a couple of minutes and is completely free. The more we are, the easier it will be to hear our voice., needs to continue enlarging the team of collaborators to develop it’s activities with complete efficiency. So, if your commitment to defending the passive smoker goes further and you have a little time per month, we invite you to actively collaborate with us. We are now looking for above all: solicitors (Administrative Law), journalists, specialists in marketing and publicity, information technology, economists, accountants and doctors, psychologists and sociologists specializing in the passive smoker.

If this is your case, write us to informacion(at) and tell us what your profile is, where are you from, and we will contact you.